Patti Kusturok
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Patti Kusturok Cancer in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 10 months, 1 week ago
Hi, I just stumbled on this and thought I’d send a little update.
I was diagnosed in January 2023 with Multiple Myeloma, cancer of the bone marrow. It was discovered when I fell and broke my right (bowing) arm.
I had the fracture repaired with plates and screws, received five radiation treatments, had four months of chemo, and a stem cell t…[Read more]
Patti Kusturok started the topic Live Zoom Fiddle Master Classes with Patti Kusturok in the forum Fiddling Techniques and Playing Advice 4 years, 6 months ago
Hi Everyone!
I asked Casey if it was cool to post this here and he said it was.
I’m currently offering some live group master class workshops on Zoom that will be starting this coming Monday, Sept 21, and running for 12 weeks.
The first topic is “Contest Playing and Prep” and is geared to the intermediate player who wants to learn how to pick…[Read more]
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Patti-tune names and teach? in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi! They are great tunes and are from an album called “Fiddling Through The Years” that I was on. It was 1985 or so. The tunes are Wilsons’ Clog/Irishmans’ Heart To the Ladies/Great Eastern Reel/Acrobats’ Reel. I’ll definitely add them to the list for the next recording!
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Tune request for Patti in the forum Lessons in Production – Fiddle Tune Requests 5 years, 4 months ago
Great ideas! I even know most of them…😬
Patti Kusturok started the topic “Tunes and a Chat” in the forum Unfiddling 7 years ago
I’d love it if you would check out my second “Tunes and a Chat” video featuring Jim Flett, a guitar player from my town of Winnipeg. Jim co-wrote some tunes you may be familiar with – the Maytwayashing Waltz that is one of my lessons, and the Teardrop Waltz that was my very first Casey Willis video I saw on YouTube a few years back.
Feel free…[Read more]
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Favorite Fiddle Players?? in the forum Unfiddling 7 years ago
I have sooooo many favourites! André Brunet is one…I’ve recently been listening to some Kenny Baker. Mike Cleveland, Graham Townsend, Randy Howard, Dick Barrett….lots!
Patti Kusturok posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
We definitely can add that to the list for the next session. Great old tune!
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Prim Strings in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
I’ve used the Prim mediums for years. Before that I used Pirastro Chromcor but found that the G started to “wow” when I’d dig in a little bit on it. Nothing worse than a wowing G string…
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Prim Strings in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
How did you end up liking the heavy gauge Prims? I’ve been using the mediums forever, but am curious.
Patti Kusturok started the topic Patti Kusturok's New Recording Now Available in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 2 months ago
It was just over one year ago that I had begun recording my new album.
Today, I’m so excited to announce that the CDs have arrived and are available for purchase on my web site!
The first “Momentum” item you’ll see is the physical CD, which comes with a download. If you just want to get the downloaded album,…[Read more]
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Warm-ups for Beginner/Intermediates in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi Fiddlededee,
If you’re a note reader, one book that I always recommend to students is Gordon Stobbe’s Red Book of Scales and Arpeggios. It’s a book written with a fiddler in mind, in keys that we mostly play in, and what’s REALLY cool is that many of the exercises are very “fiddly,” meaning that the movements are typical of what you might…[Read more]
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Fiddle Contest in the forum Fiddling Techniques and Playing Advice 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi NewFiddlier,
I competed in fiddle contests from the age of 7 up until the age of about 27. I found that the older I got, the more nervous I got, which is probably why I stopped when I did.
When students show an interest in competing, I always tell them to make sure they prepare their tunes to the point where they can play them in their…[Read more]
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic Beat emphasis in the forum Fiddling Techniques and Playing Advice 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi New Fiddler,
That’s a great article by Donna Hebert. I remember reading it and am happy to have seen it again. She explains it quite well.
As mentioned, we fiddlers tend to play music for dancing, and when I do, I watch the dancers on the floor, find the best ones, and play to them.
We emphasize the off beats, and I think you can also…[Read more]
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic PATTI KUSTUROK LESSONS PUBLISHED!!! in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 8 years, 10 months ago
Thanks David! I’m happy to be here!
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic PATTI KUSTUROK LESSONS PUBLISHED!!! in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 8 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Casey!
Enjoy the vacay and try not to get too much sun. Beer and guacamole, on the other hand…..go all out!
Patti Kusturok replied to the topic PATTI KUSTUROK LESSONS PUBLISHED!!! in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 8 years, 10 months ago
Thanks John! Glad you’ve enjoyed the 365 Days of Fiddle Tunes. I’m beyond excited to be a member of the team here at Fiddlevideo. I’m having fun learning as well! 🙂
Patti Kusturok changed their profile picture 9 years, 5 months ago