Oliver replied to the topic Learning a new tune in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi Zale,
Thanks, it seems to work for me. I don’t have much to compare it to but I’m happy with how it’s going anyway.
I really look forward to the point where I can start to focus more on the expressive details of a tune like you say. For the moment if I try to include double stops in a tune I usually get all sorts of whistles happening from…[Read more]
Oliver replied to the topic Learning a new tune in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi Uncleted,
I did reply, but for some reason it’s not showing up on the forum, so I will try and repost it below here…
Hi Uncleted,
I Was thinking about asking a similar question. I was curious how other people go about it too. I’ve only been playing for just under 4 months so still very early days. Because of this, my finger speed and…[Read more] -
Oliver replied to the topic Digital Albums vs. CDs?? in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi, Casey,
I personally haven’t bought a CD in years. Partly due to the fact that (at least for me) I don’t have the money to, but also you can listen to pretty much everything online for free now. plus if you want to pay for sites like Spotify, they are so cheap for what you get in return. It’s sad, but I think for most people, CDs are a bit of…[Read more]
Oliver replied to the topic Download video to IPad in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi Casey and Jeff,
This is something that would be useful for me too as I am a bit Nomadic and don’t always have the Internet available. I completely understand that its difficult because files are so easily copied and shared nowadays. But something I just thought could work (and I’m no expert at all, so wouldn’t know how to go about it or if it…[Read more]
Oliver replied to the topic Bluegrass in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 3 months ago
Hi, Casey. Completely understand you wanting someone emersed in the genre to teach, the passion that comes through with players like that is always very inspiring, it would also be inkeeping with the website so far and the superb quality of the lessons you’ve already produced. Having said that, I can’t imagine anyone would object to you teaching…[Read more]
Oliver started the topic Christmas in the forum Unfiddling 7 years, 3 months ago
Have a merry Christmas fellow fiddlers. Wherever you are, whatever you do and whether you celebrate it or not, I hope you all have a wonderful day.
P.S Favorite Christmas song? I’ve got to go with the Pogues and “Fairytale of New York”. -
Oliver started the topic Bluegrass in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 3 months ago
Hi Casey,
Apologies if this has been talked about somewhere else in the forum, but I was wondering if there were any plans on providing more Bluegrass content? I noticed there isn’t a dedicated section under the “Styles” heading, but a few tunes that are played within bluegrass circles.
Being from the UK I tend to lean towards the more…[Read more] -
Oliver replied to the topic Kevin Burke Lesson Requests – New Recording Session in the forum Lessons in Production – Fiddle Tune Requests 7 years, 3 months ago
Great list, and Kevin managed to slip in ‘king of the fairies’ too. Looking forward to it Casey.
Oliver replied to the topic Kevin Burke Lesson Requests – New Recording Session in the forum Lessons in Production – Fiddle Tune Requests 7 years, 3 months ago
Thumbs up for ‘The Galway Rambler’. Also, from that list, would love to see ‘Contentment is Wealth’.
Looking forward to it.
Oliver replied to the topic Kevin Burke Lesson Requests – New Recording Session in the forum Lessons in Production – Fiddle Tune Requests 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi Casey,
Great news! Couple of suggestions: ‘The Bucks of Oranmore’ and ‘The Galway Rambler’.
Oliver replied to the topic Practice structure in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi Casey and Roland,
Just wanted to let you guys know that I took your advice. I started my sessions with some focused practice today (working on clear tone, string crossing and bowing). I then worked through and learnt “Whiskey Before Breakfast”. Once it was in my head, I set the metronome nice and slow to stop me racing ahead (80bpm… Super…[Read more]
Oliver replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 7 years, 4 months ago
From the Uk but live in France
Oliver replied to the topic Practice structure in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi Roland,
Thanks for the advice, really helpful! Especially the focused practice. As I’m starting out there is a ton of stuff I need to work on so can get a bit all over the place, but that makes complete sense keeping it shorter but focused.
Good point about the mute too, any chance I get I’ll take the bugger off! It’s just I’m recently…[Read more]
Oliver replied to the topic Practice structure in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi Casey,
That’s super helpful, thank you. I definitely need to slow down a little (I blame the excitement!), the metronome will be useful for that.
I’m definitely lucky to have a fair amount of spare time at the moment, and filling it with fiddle practice is great. I do live in close proximity to others however, so most of the practice is…[Read more]
Oliver started the topic Practice structure in the forum General Fiddle Forum Topics 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi everyone.
New here and new to the fiddle. Been playing for a month and feel like I’m progressing nicely. I would like to ask if anyone can give some advice as how to structure a practice session. Would it be a better use of my time dedicating a whole session to, say, technique, or break it up between, say, technique, learning new songs and…[Read more]