George Bretz
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 2 days, 13 hours ago
I’ll check in with Casey on Kevin Burke. I believe there are some videos of Kevin in post production.
Casey is usually pretty busy with various projects but he’ll get back to us.
Thanks for your inquiry.
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic B Major in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 1 week, 2 days ago
My wife’s maiden name is Spencer so my interest is piqued. Maybe Mr. Ricky wrote that tune, it sounds like like 100 other fiddle tunes I’ve heard.
Brings a joke to mind: “you know why fiddle tunes have names?” “So you can tell them apart!”
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 1 month, 1 week ago
Kevin is the King!
Welcome Ency,
Casey asked me to help with moderating his site. As you probably know, Kevin is based here in “West Coast Portland”.
It has been a treat to see him over the years. He has been less active lately. Fortunately, we have great content here on the site.
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 2 months ago
You and I are almost neighbors.
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Lesson Requests for Waltz in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Casey has me helping out with forum moderation.
I’ll add your tunes to the request list. Production takes some time. Casey is juggling a few projects.
In the mean time, you better put that lifetime membership to use and dig into some of the great content on the site.
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I wish I lived in Carmel Valley, it’s beautiful.
I used to wonder why people waited until retirement/senior age to learn an instrument.
When I retired, I realized it’s the free time that liberates people to take new life endeavors.
Best wishes,
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Welcome, as you know lots of Celtic music here.
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi Kim,
This site will certainly stretch you.
You might try There is very little learning opportunity there.
However, there is decent networking opportunity. You can use it to to find out what’s happening in areas of the States you might be visiting.
People often post “I’m going to be in XXX on his date, any jams?” Usually…[Read more] -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 2 months, 3 weeks ago
What you are doing with viola is so cool. I’m envious of every classically trained musician I’ve ever met.
I’m not that disciplined.
At a bluegrass jam I attend we have a viola player who plays with the community symphony.
When she attends the jams she plays a five string violin. So she has both a viola and violin? I guess.
She has m…[
George Bretz replied to the topic Footwork setup in the forum Fiddle Setup and Repair 3 months, 1 week ago
I saw Andre perform at Wintergrass in Seattle earlier this year.
While, the videos on Fiddlevideo highlight his talents, I was completely blown away to see him live.
He really has tremendous rythemic skills and sings wonderfully and of course he is a wonderful fiddler.The board he used looked like a piece of plywood with a frame to…[Read more]
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Welcome Deborah and Patti. I’m just making the blind assumption you are new here. Forgive me if I’m wrong.
Portland is one of my favorite cities. I lived in Silverton for many years.
Patti, it seems you are kind of near the heart of bluegrass music in the Carolinas. I’d love to visit that area.
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 3 months, 4 weeks ago
Welcome Ansgar,
What tune or type of music are you working on?
George from Central Oregon -
George Bretz replied to the topic Vidami Blue in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 4 months, 1 week ago
Thanks for your question. I have not tested a Vidami Blue control pedal. However, company info and independent reviews show it works great with YouTube videos. As you are probably aware, edited versions of content are plentiful on YouTube. In fact, YouTube is one of the most common paths to fiddlevideo. There is…[Read more] -
George Bretz replied to the topic My First Contest in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 4 months, 1 week ago
You’re my hero! Excellent news on the contest and congratulations on the top 5 finish.
I have been torturing myself with regards to fiddle contests the last couple of years.
I keep making excuses as to why I can’t/don’t enter one. We even have age handicapped contest I could pursue.But you had the courage to jump in there! That’…[Read more]
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 5 months ago
Welcome to the site. Tons of great info and great teachers. I find myself focusing in one area for a time. After I’ve learned a tune or technique I go out and explore other areas and I’m blown away at the amount of content here.
Also, cool that people from around the world are here.
Best wishes,
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Favorite Fiddle Players?? in the forum Unfiddling 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Fortunately for you, Kevin Burke is a favorite here on the site.
It’s always been hard for me to wrap my head around the fact he lives in Portland Oregon.
I’ve been able to see him a bunch of times. He’s a gentle soul.
Moderator -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddlevideo Members – what area of the world do you fiddle in? in the forum Unfiddling 7 months, 1 week ago
Thanks for the kind words. I’m sure Casey will pass your feedback to Kevin.
Glad to hear you are enjoying the site.
George -
George Bretz replied to the topic Fiddle neck strap in the forum Fiddle Setup and Repair 8 months, 1 week ago
Hi Noah,
I’ve seen people use them. I’ve only seen them at old-time jams used by older beginners.
I don’t know one from the other. It seems that the people that use them are dealing with some type of orthopedic issue that prevents a “classic hold” on the instrument.I’ve never used one and would not encourage or discourage there use. I don…[Read more]
George Bretz changed their profile picture 8 months, 3 weeks ago
George Bretz replied to the topic B Major in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Good questions. The help you are looking for is here on the site.
First, I try to spend time everyday playing standards in various keys.
For example, Rolling In My Sweet Baby’s Arms, I work on playing it in popular keys A, D, G, C but also add B, Bflat and E.
After you play tunes in the “common keys” a few times you’ll realize you can tra…[Read more] - Load More