
  • have you completely changed the look of the website?
    I cannot recognize anything and find my way around
    it has been a few months I was absentee
    I have a new computer Window 10
    would it be the reason why nothing looks like it used to?
    or you redesign the entire website?

    thank you

  • Brigitte replied to the topic bookmark in the forum Fiddle Lesson Forum 4 years, 4 months ago

    so in French Ma Biche means my Deer, which is a term of endearment from a man to a woman.
    or from a woman to an other as a friend, My best friend calls me Ma biche often
    so it was a bit of a choc reading this misspelled french
    until i realized it was someone’s name
    pardon my brain, the sound is identical to me when reading
    my husband finds…[Read more]

  • thank you so much for your consideration

    but honestly and between us , and not to offend anyone, just a personal preference , I like YOUR teaching much better

    not only are you spending enough time, not talking too much about stuff around the piece, but actually destructuring patiently and you give music a soul

    that is a inner talent
    I am not…[Read more]

  • Mr. Willis
    I s very much enjoy your music and greatly admire you as a teacher
    I just joined your group and play the diatonic harmonica
    I play it all by ear and your patience is very helpful as well as all the supporting features of your website
    your website should be an award wining model . I teach painting, I only wish I could have a…[Read more]

  • I do not understand how to bookmark a lesson I like
    thank you