what's the song called

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    • #6784

      I was just wandering what the song at the end of your lessons(I think its at the end of all the lessons) is called it sounded really neat i kinda want to learn it.

    • #6791
      Roland White

      Hi Anna, Roland White Forum Moderator here to chime in on your question. I also love that small snippet of a tune and I believe its from her CD Dot the Dragon’s Eye.
      It may actually be the end of the title song or possible one of the others. I love Hanneke’s playing and since I haven’t listened for a while I will check it out today and try to determine which tune on the CD it is and then let you know. Thanks for checking in to the forum and glad you like the site.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Roland White.
    • #6809
      Casey Willis

      Hi, Anna. Sorry I didn’t see this question right away. The song is called “The Glass Case of Emotion” or “The Ron Burgundy Tribute”. Hanneke wrote and recorded the tune. She teaches it here on the site: https://www.fiddlevideo.com/glass-case-1/

    • #6818

      Thanks! I was about to ask the same. I love that song.

    • #7033

      Hi…wonderful tune intro and my one thought is this…could the intro be on just the performance video and not the teaching videos as well? I find my self having to scoot the curser ahead of the intro music each time I am using the teaching video (in order to get to the tune I want to learn) to not continually repeat the intro music.

      Again, lovely tune and maybe using once as an intro on the performing video of each lesson would be enough.

      All in all, love this concept and all what your are doing!

      Thank you!!

      • #7040
        Casey Willis

        Hi, Ency. I like the request. However, that would require re exporting, re-rendering, reconverting, and re-uploading all lesson content. Since each video would require a significant number of man hours to address, I won’t be able to address at this time. I hope you understand. Thanks!!

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