Hector the Hero- Hammer Flick?

Home Forums Fiddle Lesson Forum Hector the Hero- Hammer Flick?

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    • #12187

      Hanneke uses a combined hammer on and flick to ornament Hector the Hero, but doesn’t explicitly say how to combine the two onamemts.

      Can someone help me out here? I really like how it sounds and want to learn that technique. I have done the Scottish ornaments tutorial, and can hammer on and flick separately on different phrases, but combining them into one ornament is confusing me.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by FiddleMouse.
    • #12189
      Casey Willis

      Hi, Fiddlemouse. I replied to your post in the lesson, rather than here…but other folks can feel free to reply in this thread if they have advice. Thanks!

    • #12239
      Roland White

      HI FiddlMouse,

      I have encountered your situation where a combination of ornaments make a larger big ornament. It is hard to implement if you think of them as two ornaments.

      To get my fingers and head around it I have practiced each one very slowly along with the other one so they can be eventually combined to make that really cool unique sound in one unified sounding lick. Good luck and I’m thrilled to hear you’re advancing to adding those licks to your tunes. Its the coloring of the notes in ornaments, bowing and timing that will get you that individual sound that is only truly yours. Fiddle on. R

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