Casey, I’ve also never really had this issue. When I first started playing I used to get a callus on my first finger only but that was because of 2 things:
1) I was coming down on the strings way to hard. This also creates tension and can at times stop the string from resonating properly.
I learned that I did this from a local fiddle player who plays so fast, so effortlessly, and so GOOD. He took my violin showed me what I was doing, then he made some lewd reference to “lightness of touch” (lol). Took me almost 6 months to learn how to lightly place my fingers down to get the optimal sound without calluses or squeaks.
2) My left hand’s angle to my violin and where I kept my thumb used to make my hand tense gradually to whereas I would come down on the string to hard. I learned that if you take your relaxed hand and cup your violin, wherever your thumb falls is usually the natural position that it WANTS to be in to play comfortably. Try it.