B Major

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    • #33372
      Roger Green

      I went to a bluegrass jam session the other day. We played all of the standards, tunes and vocals. There were a couple of good singers that like singing in B major. I found I was woefully lacking trying to take a break and provide backup licks. Decided that it would be good to take some time and learn scales in B major. Realized there are not many tunes in B major. I could come up with two, Train 45 and Rebecca (by Herschel Sizemore). Can you think of other tunes in B major?

      Also, could the instructors be persuaded to give a technique lesson with tips, exercises etc. to help when playing in B major. At this point, I’m not even sure what 1st position is in B major.

    • #33373
      George Bretz

      Good questions. The help you are looking for is here on the site.
      First, I try to spend time everyday playing standards in various keys.
      For example, Rolling In My Sweet Baby’s Arms, I work on playing it in popular keys A, D, G, C but also add B, Bflat and E.
      After you play tunes in the “common keys” a few times you’ll realize you can transpose to any key.

      The video lesson you are after is “Nashville Numbering System”, by Megan Lynch Chowning. The whole series is great with simple theory. In particular in the first Nashville Numbering lesson video she describes the “Fiddle Capo”.
      That lesson will get you playing in all the keys with chord accompaniment.

      It is impressively simple but not really easy.

      Best luck,

      • #33374
        Casey Willis

        Good answer, George. I would also recommend Megan’s Nashville Number System/fiddle capo lessons. And I’m with you, Roger…playing in B is not a ton of fun.

    • #33541
      Roger Green

      I learned of another tune in B that’s fun to play. It’s called The Road To Spencer by Ricky Skaggs. It’s a very Irish sounding tune but when asked about it, Ricky laughs and responds that he composed it on the way to a gig in Spencer Iowa.

    • #33542
      George Bretz

      My wife’s maiden name is Spencer so my interest is piqued. Maybe Mr. Ricky wrote that tune, it sounds like like 100 other fiddle tunes I’ve heard.
      Brings a joke to mind: “you know why fiddle tunes have names?” “So you can tell them apart!”

    • #33543
      Roger Green

      LOL! George, that’s a good joke. I’m gonna use that one.

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