Hi, again, Thistle. Back from festival land, and I took a listen.
The guitar track matches what was played during the performance. It’s two times through the melody (A & B parts) and then it repeats a 4 measure tag of the B part. So there are 4 measures tacked on to the end which slows/rit. Does that help?
For those last four bars of the repeated tag line, the melody starts in the preceding measure on the third finger on the A string (D note) and walks up using the open E string to the first finger on the E string (F# note). The D and E notes fall prior to the tag. That first finger F# note is the down beat of the first of four tag measures.
I felt like adding the tag in the performance was a nice way to end the tune – sorry for the confusion. Just let me know if that description doesn’t get you to a solid finish line.
All the best, and thanks for the kind words!